Thursday, August 25, 2011

[TRANS] 110825 JYJ’s Campaign For Protecting Online Security‏

JYJ Jaejoong Promotes Usage Of I-PIN (Internet Personal Identification Number)
It is I-PIN’s time~

Hi Everyone, I am JYJ’s Jaejoong~
Do you know what is personal identification?
What happened when your precious identification number is leaked?
I-PIN is like a personal identification number for the internet and it can be used to replace your personal identification number for ID and password.
Say NO~ to usage of personal identification number on internet now.
Usage of I-PIN, YES~!!!

Change Your Password With JYJ Yoochun!! 
Do not use the same password again~ 

Hi Everyone, I am JYJ’s Yoochun~ 
“Please change your internet password” 
Everytime when you are thinking it’s time to change it, did you often procrastinate about it? 
But, in order to prevent leakage of personal information, 
Please do change your own password often often often often often !! 

Remove Unused Accounts With JYJ Junsu 
It is I-PIN’s time~ 

Hi Everyone, I am JYJ’s Junsu~ 
Often adding various of accounts here and there and not knowing how many are there… 
Unused accounts are like accounts in hibernation. 
In order to prevent leakage of precious personal information, 
Please take up the challenge with me and clear up those hibernating accounts~ 
It is simpler than tidying bank accounts! 

Source: doitnow2011
Credit: loveissammi
Translated by: rachui@sharingyoochun
Shared by: DBSKnights

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