Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[NEWS] Kim Jaejoong is Polite — Gives a Proper Hello with a Statue!

This article is currently #1 on the popular portal website Nate! XD
JYJ Kim Jaejoong, a Proper Hello Facing a Statute. “Exudes Cute”
Group JYJ’s member Kim Jaejoong has revealed an adorable self-photo.
Kim Jaejoong posted on the morning of the 14th on his Twitter a photo with the words of “hello.” In the photo, Kim Jaejoong was, as the word said, saying hello.
Kim Jaejoong who was facing a statue that is saying hello with its hands on its side was also saying hello, with his arms cleanly on his side exactly like the statue.
The netizens who saw this responded: “This is a self-photo that makes me feel warm in the morning.” “It is cute somehow.” “Off-the-wall Kim Jaejoong.” “Kim Jaejoong has a sense that is tops.”
On the other hand, Kim Jaejoong is appearing as Cha Muwon in the SBS TV dramaProtect the Boss.
Translation CreditJYJ3

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